Take action for a container deposit return scheme
Sign the collective letter
The best course of action that would have the highest likelihood of success is for a collective advocacy letter to be sent to the Minister for the Environment, with logos of as many organisations as possible, urging the Government to implement a container deposit return scheme.
As such, WasteMINZ is coordinating a broad, open letter of collective support, which does not refer to or promote a specific model. This letter will be sent to the Minister for the Environment in February.
Zero Waste Network supports this letter and we encourage all organisations to sign on. The letter can be read here, and you can also read this explanatory letter.
If your organisation supports this, please forward your logo to Nic Quilty <nic@wasteminz.org.nz>. Your logo will then be placed at the bottom of the letter, alongside other supporting organisations’ logos. All logos will be in alphabetical order.
Sign our open letter
In addition to the collective letter outlined above, Zero Waste Network are inviting organisations to add their signatures to our open letter calling on the Government to implement an effective, high-performing Deposit Return Scheme (DRS, also known as CRS) for drink containers in New Zealand.
We support an effective model for New Zealand that would lead to recovery rates of 90%, in line with international best practice.
If you would like become a signatory to our letter, or be involved in any other way, please add your name here>>>
Widespread support
2023 – WasteMINZ support
The WasteMINZ 2023 Manifesto included a key priority to “introduce the container return scheme as soon as possible” WasteMINZ Manifesto
2022 – 98% support from public consultation
98% of the 6,399 submitters to the Transforming Recycling public consultation support the implementation of a CRS (including pro-forma submissions). Redacted-cab-paper-agreement-to-implement-a-nz-crs-v2.pdf
2022 – 78% support from consumers
Consumer research polling carried out by Kantar/Consumer Link (commissioned by Reloop) during August 2022 found 78% in favour of introducing legislation Reloop Platform. September 2022.
2020 – 78% support from consumers
A Consumer NZ survey in February/March 2020 found strong support (78%) for a container return scheme. Supermarkets and collection depots like community recycling centres, waste and recycling facilities were the most preferred locations for returning containers. The New Zealand Container Return Scheme Draft Design Appendices (p.171)
2020 – 70% support from consumers
ConsumerNZ Phase 2 consumer research (June 2020) found 70% of people support a container return scheme. The New Zealand Container Return Scheme Draft Design Appendices (p. 194)
2018 – 96% support from Mayors
In 2018 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) passed a waste remit in favour of the introduction of a CRS, with 96% support from Mayors.