We’ve been working with the Community Energy Network and Environment Hubs Aotearoa for a few years now and are excited about our new project, a Combined Buyer’s Group. We’re working to find great deals for things lots of us need to buy and will be aiming to have suppliers give us a rebate when our members make a purchase, which we’ll use to fund our projects.

The first service we’re focusing on is insurance, in partnership with Mark Sloman from Rothbury Insurance Brokers.

Key attributes

  1. Through the power of group buying, premiums should be lower than you are currently able to get. So far, the savings have been significant, see below.
  2. Better coverage through Mark understanding what our needs are; which parts of our cover can be grouped together, and which parts can’t.
  3. Better service. Mark and his team – Steve Megaffin (Commercial Broker) and Carole Hellyer (Claims Manager) will be answering your calls/emails so you will have a personal service – they will know you and your business. The Rothbury team also represent you when talking to the insurance providers so can get the best possible outcome for your organisation.
  4. For each member organisation that is signed up, Rothbury will pay an annual rebate back to the networks. This allows us to investigate other opportunities for adding value to the Buyers Group.

Case Studies

Mark has been able to provide the fit for purpose review and quote for 3 organisations so far. All 3 have signed up and the summary of the savings for each one is below:

  • Waiuku Zero Waste saved $3,500 with their premiums going from $11,500 down to $8,000. This includes an increase in cover with business interruption being added into the cover.
  • Coromandel Independent Living Trust have saved $7,000 in premiums going from $26,000 to $19,000.
  • Brook Waimarama Sanctuary saved $3,500

Note that the Sanctuary, although not a member, is linked to one of our members. This offer is available to your partners in the community as well provided their activities are reasonably like yours (especially if they share some assets with you).


How to get a check

The best time for a fit for purpose review and, if appropriate, change to a new provider is at the anniversary of your current cover. The ‘set and forget’ option is to contact Mark now (see below) and let him know your policy anniversary date and he will get back in touch with you at the right time.

Mark and Steve will also be giving many of you a call in the New Year to see if you are interested in having your insurance reviewed. Based on performance so far, it is well worth giving him a couple of minutes!


What you will need to provide

For Mark to give a fit for purpose review and quote you will need to give him:

  • Current insurance schedule (to check that you have appropriate coverage)
  • Current premium
  • Turnover for the organisation
  • Number of staff, not counting volunteers
  • Summary of the normal activities for your organisation
  • Any insurance claims made in the last 5 years



Mark Sloman


07 834 6186

021 839 180