Network membership is annual and is open to community enterprises, businesses, local authorities and individuals. A breakdown of our different membership types is covered below. Because we want our membership to be as accessible as possible, pricing is tiered, based on estimated annual turnover. 

Membership Benefits:

  • Being a part of a supportive localised community across Aotearoa
  • Sector lobbying, representation and evidence-based research
  • Receive the latest news and updates from our e-Newsletters
  • Access to events online and in-person for networking opportunities and education
  • Access to training and practical support
  • Feature in our national member directory
  • Discounted access to our National Hui
  • Use of the Zero Waste Network Member logo
  • Eligibility to vote at the Zero Waste Network AGM and to be elected to the Board of Trustees (Full Members only) 

Membership Types

Zero Waste Network Full Membership

Community based not-for-profit and co-operative groups actively involved in zero waste projects. These organisations must be incorporated as one of the following: Company Limited by guarantee, Incorporated Society, Trust or Constituted (with a not for profit/charitable status clause).

Fledgling (Full) Membership:

Organisations can apply for fledgling membership status if they fall under the Full Member description but are either just starting out or have between 0-5 FTE employees. Membership fees for Fledgling groups is $50 per annum for the first year of membership, and will be reviewed after this period.

Full Member Application Form

Zero Waste Network Associate Membership

Businesses, companies and organisations providing tangible benefits to full Zero Waste Network members, small-scale private recyclers, central or regional statutory organisations and local government departments. Also community based zero waste projects/teams run by statutory or local government departments.

We have 3 versions of Associate Membership:

  1. Micro Associate: 0-5 FTE employees Associate Member Application Form
  2. Associate: 5+ FTE employees Associate Member Application Form
  3. Local Government Associate: Councils and Government Departments Local Government Application Form

Zero Waste Network Individual Supporter

If you are an individual who would like to support the mahi of the Zero Waste Network, you can become part of our Zero Waste Network supporters team. Individuals receive our latest newsletter communications and access to events online and in-person for networking opportunities and education. Your supporter fee of $100 per annum will be a valuable contribution to aiding the work of the network and helping us grow our collective voice. 

Individual Supporter Application Form 

Membership Criteria

The ZWN Board is guided by the ZWN Values to make decisions on what kind of groups can become members of the network, and these values will also be useful for groups deciding whether or not to apply for membership.

  • Partnership: We challenge ourselves to embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our work
  • Practice: We create and implement effective real and local world solutions to achieve zero waste
  • Perseverance: We commit ourselves to building an abundant, regenerative, peaceful, just and fair world for the generations to come
  • People: We work collaboratively together sharing ideas, resources and opportunities to empower our communities

Please note that membership is subject to the approval by the ZWN Board. Prospective members will be informed if approval is not given, and we will be in touch with details about payment if approval is given.

Still want to know more? Send an email to

Note on our invoicing process: For your initial application the annual membership fee will charged from the quarter in which your application is approved on a pro rata basis i.e. if approved in 2nd quarter of the membership year then the charge will be 75% of the applicable annual membership fee (50% if approve in 3rd quarter and 25% if approved in final quarter).

ZWN Membership Fee Structure 2023

Turnover > $100,000 > $500,000 $500.000+




Full (Fledgling)








Micro Associate






