Cornerstone work happening for national waste strategy and legislation

In early-to-mid September we expect to see a consultation document come out from Ministry for the Environment covering some of the critical parts of getting Aotearoa to zero waste. These include:

  • High level waste strategy
  • Changes to the 2008 Waste Minimisation Act
  • Emissions reduction plan for ‘waste’

The ZWN research team are working on background information to support our submissions on these topics. We will also prepare a submission guide for members and supporters to use when making your own/organisational submission(s). We will host Network webinars to discuss and gather ideas from members.

Our current work weaves together the submissions and thinking we have done through the year on vocational training, to the Climate Commission and Infrastructure Commission, on plastics, mandatory product stewardship and other key areas.

It is a big opportunity to get involved. We will plan to discuss key actions at the hui.

Waste Reduction Work Programme

WasteMINZ is reporting that the Ministry for the Environment has released its Waste Reduction Work Programme. This report sets out the Government’s work programme until 2023 to reduce waste as part of a transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

Aotearoa New Zealand faces significant waste challenges. The Government has taken some steps to tackle these challenges, like banning single-use plastic bags and other items, but we need to do more. Please click here to see the full report.

The report sets out the work the government is doing under five main objectives: Building the foundations for a transformed waste system, expanding investment in the sector, introducing system-level change, addressing individual material streams and products and strengthening operational and compliance activity.