NOV 2010 : CRN Hui…. the Aftermath!!!!!
Well, what a fantastic few days it was!!!
Susa and Marianna did a fantastic job organising the Hui.
It was my first time attending and I hope not the last…….
I have talked to many CRN members over the phone before, rallying up support, gathering information for various projects I have been involved in through Wanaka Wastebsuters, and finally I got to put faces to the many names and voices I have talked to and worked with over the last year.
The Tapu Te Ranga Marae is the most beautiful place to hold the Hui, the food was mouth watering. The building-breathtaking…..
It has been built on multi levels from recycled materials, it is set on 24 hectares of bushland in central Wellington, two thirds of it has been set aside for native trees and birds. It is being restored by collecting seeds from the few remaining trees of the original forest. Over 100,000 seedlings have been planted since the beginning.
It set the perfect scene for the Hui
For making contacts that will benefit upcoming projects, building relationships that will grow over the next year with people all through the recycling industry.
It was definitely really beneficial to be there meeting people from all across the board, from ministry folks and government members, the CRN Exec, to management, through to staff from many different community recycle centres through NZ. To be given the space and opportunity to learn from others, and share knowledge
It is wonderful to see how much good work is being done with community recyclers through NZ
Being at the Hui really made me understand how much of a bigger picture we all are, and how much can be achieved together by supporting and helping each other wherever we can.
For part of the Hui the Exec were separated from the core group to go to a facilitated session whilst the rest of us beavered away in the Open Space…
Even though it still worked well, It was agreed after that in future years it would work better to keep everyone together…. joining up all the minds in one awesome force of goodness.
The word on the street is the Exec also all agreed it would be even better next year to have 80-or-so of us attend the Hui (including staff working on the yard, collections, shop, admin etc) rather than the majority of folks who work at a management level.
One thing everyone agreed on was to get more people interested in and joining the CRN Ning site. It is a great place for the ongoing support of projects across the country of all CRN members, and a fantastic place for the continued sharing of knowledge and resources, drumming up support for projects and much much more……
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY……… Get in now…….
Tapu Te Ranga has been provisionally booked for the same time next year, so mark it in your diary now………
Well, that’s it from me, Im off to see what’s new and exciting in the world of CRN since the Hui….
I hope I get the chance to meet you all again next year.
ps: Halima, chief cook and maanaki extraordinaire has asked if we can all visit the Tapu Te Ranga Marae website and add a comment to their guest book .