Introducing our new Board

Elections were held at our 2017 AGM on the 2nd October for places on the Zero Waste Network Board of Trustees. These people provide strategic direction, support for our staff and, as a small organisation with limited resources, do lots of the work too!

Three candidates were elected:

Karen Driver – Nelson Environment Centre (returning)

Green Jon Morgan – McLaren Park & Henderson South Community Trust (returning)

Sarah Jane Murray – EcoMatters (returning)

A massive thank you to these three, who have been kindly agreed to stick with us for a bit longer!

In addition, Matthew Luxon from Envision was co-opted to the Board. Envision is a Associate member of Zero Waste Network, and therefore can’t stand for election, but Matthew has shown incredible dedication to zero waste and this organisation, and we’re stoked that he’s agreed to come on in a governance role.

These four join our permanent trustees Cliff Colquhoun, Sue Coutts, Marty Hoffart, Rick Thorpe.

Looking forward to working with you all!

Story of my life trying to get this group all in one place, and not managing it, but we did attempt to take a team photo – From left: Cliff, Karen, Rick, Marty, Matthew, Des, Dorte (missing Green Jon, SJ, Sue Coutts and Des’s team – Candide and Jess).