On the final day of the Strengthening Communities Hui, the three organising networks have committed to collective work to address climate change. The annual Hui brings together Environment Hubs Aotearoa, the Community Energy Network and the Zero Waste Network, representing more than one hundred community organisations and thousands of workers.
The networks were challenged by keynote speaker Tina Ngata, Ngāti Porou scholar and scientist, to put relationships first, and to build those based on equity and genuine partnership as the foundation to really being able to change direction on climate breakdown.
“We are seeking to build knowledge and understanding of how we can best honour Te Tiriti within the context of climate change and our work. Tina has given us some hugely beneficial pathways forward,” said Dorte Wray, Executive Officer of the Zero Waste Network.
The Minister of Climate Change was our other keynote speaker. He was enthusiastic about the role of community enterprise in delivering on New Zealand’s climate commitments. In particular, he championed the flexibility and responsiveness of local grassroots responses to climate change as being faster than government agencies.
“This afternoon we workshopped a number of initiatives and proposals for the three networks to maximise our collective impact. While in some senses the work has really only just begun, all three networks already contribute to reducing emissions every single day.”
Sessions from the Strengthening Communities Hui were recorded and are available on the website, and on the ZWN Youtube Channel.