June eNews

This month we look at two exciting upcoming events and the upcoming changes to Health & Safety legisilation. Check out the June newsletter here

May eNews

This month: What can be made out of a house; Banning food waste in France and; the Envision Study trip to South Australia discovers what the humble plastic bottle can do for community. Check out the full newsletter here

April eNews

A visit from Zero Waste Wales, the campaign to ban the plastic bag and dates confirmed for this years CRN hui to be held in Auckland. Read the April eNews here.

March eNews out now

This months eNews update includes stories on the Love Food Hate Waste campaign launch, a volunteering opportunity in West Auckland and upcoming events such as the WasteMINZ Mid-year Roundup, the Fonterra Recycling Forum and a Procurement Workshop in Auckland… Read more    

Come to the hui!

The draft programme for this years hui is now out. You can download it here or check it out below. This years theme is: Enterprising Communities: Innovation, change and Social Enterprise There are big challenges and opportunities ahead in the world of resource recovery. What role… More >