What does this mean? Chairman of Resilient Russell Charitable Trust, John Maxwell, explains:
Perhaps Russell Recyclers will be better known. In August 2018 we changed our name to Resilient Russell because we felt this better describes what we want to achieve. Our activities are much broader than just recycling although better waste management in our community and throughout the Far North is still a priorityfor us.
We are a Charitable Trust and rely on local members and volunteers to run our activities. We publish the community newspaper Russell Lights and use this as a vehicle to create awareness of better environmental practices. In the current lock down climate however, we will have to cease this until further notice.
We encourage all local businesses and event organisers to use compostable cups and containers for takeaway food and coffee. We collect these, mulch them, and add them to our donated www.nzbox.nz hot composting boxes.
We arrange for recycling bins at all our local events and our waste ambassadors help people to separate the waste into the correct bins
Our post event audits show we generally save about 70% of this waste from going into landfill. Further, for the past several years, our Waste Ambassadors have helped CBEC’s Eco Solutions by manning the waste stations at Waitangi on Waitangi Day.
In January 2020 our volunteers worked with Eco Solutions dealing with waste for the Bay of Islands Sailing Week Regatta in Opua. Other events where we look after waste management by sending our volunteer ‘waste ambassadors’ include Russell’s mid-winter Birdman Festival, the Bay of Islands Ocean Swim and the Russell School Gala.
We also run an annual Far North Go Green Awards to encourage people and businesses to compete (in friendly rivalry) and to build awareness of ways to improve sustainable practices in the community.
Our inaugural event in March 2019 was a sell-out event. The Duke of Marlborough Hotel ballroom was fully booked and tickets were selling well for this year’s event. But, due to the Covid19 Rahui, it had to be cancelled.
If you would love to join us, there is a $10 annual enrolment fee which entitles members to pre-book Far North Go Green Award tickets, to become one of our registered volunteers and to contribute ideas on how we can all make a considerable difference to the Russell peninsula and surrounds.