Want to run a Bottle Drive?

The Cash for Containers campaign is ramping up. They’ve put together a pack of resources for all of you amped to get a local event happening. This can be found here and includes:

  • How To Guide: Step by step guide to organising and running a bottle drive in your community. This includes suggestions for finding extra funding.
  • Community Benefits – Explanation of how a bottle deposit scheme can benefit your group or community.
  • Poster templates –
    • An example of poster layout.
    • A word document with editable text boxes for the bottle limit, address and date, as well as space to add logos.
    • The photoshop file for the overall poster if you want to change more **please contact us if you want additional support formatting this poster to suit your group.
  • A template press release – Edit this to suit your group, and send it to the local news paper!
  • A petition form – You can print copies of this to collect petition signatures in person. If you can collect signatures directly onto a computer or tablet this will save us some admin later! You can find the online petition through kiwibottledrive.nz.
  • A poster/flier – This explains main points and benefits of bottle deposits.
  • InCentive to Recycle reports – The summary and full reports are a key research base we are backing our campaign with.