Minister’s Post-Budget Update

 Associate Minister for the Environment Eugenie Sage, who holds the waste portfolio, gave a post-budget briefing to WasteMINZ members on Monday, 18 May 2020. Here is a summary of the Minister’s comments. Waste Levy: getting the waste levy in place is a priority for the Minister.… More >

Fair Employment in the Sector

There is a big focus on job creation in the wake of Covid-19, and we want to be part of a solution that creates meaningful, dignified work for people in the zero waste sector. In last week’s newsletter, we discussed the results of the salary survey.… More >

Results of the 2019 Salary Survey

Thank you to everyone who completed the salary survey late last year. Below are the results. Here is a PDF of these 2019 results to compare with 2017.

Resilient Russell

What does this mean?  Chairman of Resilient Russell Charitable Trust, John Maxwell, explains: Perhaps Russell Recyclers will be better known. In August 2018 we changed our name to Resilient Russell because we felt this better describes what we want to achieve. Our activities are much broader than just recycling although better waste management in… More >