South Auckland fire shows risk of flock in incinerator proposal

“The huge fire in South Auckland illustrates the serious human health risks of incinerating flock, the residual material left over from the scrap metal process. It is one reason we will be opposing the building of a waste incinerator in Te Awamutu that would burn… More >

Failure to uphold ECAN incinerator decision disappoints

“The decision not to uphold ECAN’s requirement for a cultural impact assessment (CIA) as part of lodging the resource consent application for a very large scale waste-to-energy incinerator in Waimate, South Canterbury, is disappointing,” said Dorte Wray, General Manager of the Zero Waste Network Aotearoa.… More >

Incinerator not a solution to landfill woes

“The Kaipara District Council’s decision to investigate waste-to-energy appears to be based on a false choice between a landfill and an incinerator. Incinerators still need landfills for the toxic ash and wastewater they create. Incinerators don’t eliminate waste – they just transform it into new,… More >

Beverage Industry lobbies to kill off waste and climate solution

“The only people benefiting from our broken system of dealing with New Zealand’s 2+ billion drink containers each year is the beverage industry. It is unacceptable that corporate lobbying at the Beehive is holding back a simple container return scheme that is wildly popular with… More >

Dumping Returns Scheme makes no sense

“The decision to abandon a beverage container return scheme is based on a false economy that allows big polluters to continue to dump their products into the environment at the cost of ratepayers and local councils,” said Zero Waste Network spokesperson Sue Coutts. “Right now… More >